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  • Twinkle while you still can

Twinkle while you still can

Mantras I Live By Daily

Allow me to introduce myself: I'm a 50-something woman, standing tall at a grand height of 4'11". Yes, I may be petite in stature, but I've always believed that my spirit knows no bounds. You see, I've never considered myself "tiny," and the word "small" has never found a place in my vocabulary. Instead, I've always seen myself as someone who twinkles.

A Height Perspective:

In a world that often measures worth by the inches on a tape measure, I've learned that true stature goes beyond physical dimensions. Being 4'11" has never been a limitation for me; it's an integral part of who I am, but it doesn't define me. I've always been much taller in spirit than my physical frame might suggest.

The Twinkle Factor:

Why "twinkle," you ask? Well, because life is too short (pun intended) not to radiate positivity and warmth. Twinkling is about shining with enthusiasm, kindness, and an unwavering belief in one's self-worth. It's about embracing every inch of your uniqueness and using it to illuminate the world around you.

white and silver beaded accessory

The Crazy Notion:

Now, you might think I'm a little crazy for saying all this, but hear me out. Embracing your height, or any perceived "difference," isn't about being unrealistic. It's about flipping the script, choosing to see your uniqueness as your greatest strength, and refusing to let society's norms dictate your self-esteem.

Life's Too Short to Feel Small:

Remember, we all have our unique quirks and qualities that make us who we are. It's not about conforming to someone else's idea of "normal"; it's about celebrating your individuality and standing tall in your own way, whether you're 4'11" or 6'4". Life's too short to feel small, my friends.

Embrace Your Inner Twinkle:

So, I invite you to embrace your inner twinkle. Stand tall, not just in inches but in character. Let your spirit outshine any doubts, and radiate the kind of positivity that leaves a trail of smiles wherever you go.

You see, it's not about how high you stand; it's about how brightly you shine. And remember, in the grand tapestry of life, it's our twinkle that adds the most vibrant colors.

Keep twinkling, my friends, and let your light illuminate the world.

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