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  • The Science of Happiness

The Science of Happiness

4 Hormones that Enduce Happiness and How to Get A Daily Dose

Research into what makes a happy life, presented by Robert Waldinger from Harvard University, took over 75 years to complete and looked at the lives of 724 volunteers, as well as their partners and other family members, bringing the total number of people studied to over 2,000. After analyzing the data, a clear correlation was found between strong relationships, good health and happiness.

Maintaining positive relationships was also found to help people slow the aging process and enable them to live longer lives.

8 factors that promote the production of happiness hormones

1. Exercise

Exercise not only keeps us fit and healthy, but also protects us from disease and degeneration. It stimulates the production of various hormones, including:

  • Growth hormones that are crucial to repair and growth.

  • Testosterone, which helps to refresh and reinvigorate the body and aids muscle growth.

  • Insulin and thyroid hormones that help to regulate blood glucose levels and aid metabolism.

Additionally, exercise can assist the brain in producing hormones associated with happiness, such as:

  • Dopamine, the hormone responsible for making us feel good. If we are able to achieve our body shape or weight goals, this hormone will be produced in greater quantities.

  • Serotonin, which can help reduce the symptoms of depression.

  • Endorphins, which are directly related to happiness, meaning they can help to reduce physical pain or symptoms of injury in our muscles due to its chemical properties being similar to morphine, which is used for pain relief.

man exercising while smiling

2. Partaking in fulfilling activities that leave a smile on your face

Visiting new places, getting a relaxing massage, or partaking in activities that leave a smile on your face, whether they involve family members, friends or loved ones, can all provide a welcome relief from the stress and problems that may accumulate in our daily lives. Furthermore, keeping a smile on your face when encountering difficult circumstances can aid the body’s production of serotonin and endorphins, both of which are directly associated with happiness.

woman lying with prone position

3. Light exposure to sunlight

In addition to getting vitamin D from various fish, fish livers and egg yolks, exposing the body to sunlight during the early morning or evening time (being careful to avoid the hours between 10:00 – 15:00) also aids the skin’s production of vitamin D. This vitamin not only helps to keep our bones and immune system at full strength, but also indirectly stimulates the production of serotonin, a hormone capable of reducing the symptoms associated with depression.

man and woman holding hands together with boy and girl looking at green trees during day

4. Eating chocolate (in moderation)

Studies have found that consuming around 50–100 grams of dark chocolate (equivalent to 300–600 calories) 1–2 times a week could reduce a person’s chances of an early loss of life resulting from heart disease when compared to those who do not eat any chocolate at all. Chocolate contains essential chemicals which aid circulation and help to strengthen coronary arteries. Dark chocolate , made from 70–85% real cocoa, is most effective in this regard.

Although dark chocolate contains minimal amounts of sugar and milk, it still should not be considered completely healthy and should therefore only be consumed in moderation.

chocolate bar and powder in bowl

5. Focus on eating foods that are high in tryptophan

Tryptophan is an essential amino acid which the body is unable to produce by itself. Tryptophan can be sourced from milk, butter, egg yolks, meat, fish, turkey, peanuts, almonds, dried dates, bananas, cottage cheese and other high protein foods. The body is able to use this substance to aid in production of serotonin and in the neurological processes that help us feel happy. Moreover, tryptophan works alongside folic acid and iron to assist the body in producing red blood cells.

sliced breads on blue plate

6. Playing with pets

You may have found that your stress levels are reduced when playing with pets. This is because our relationship with cats, dogs or other pets that show us affection can increase the body’s production of hormones associated with happiness, including serotonin and oxytocin (a hormone linked to love and relationships).

photo of man hugging tan dog

7. Hugging or kissing a loved one

Hugs and kisses between humans can be used to display love, kindness, protection and lust. We generally perform these actions with people we love which, in turn, leads to the body producing a number of different hormones:

  • Endorphins – the happiness hormones – that are associated with feeling enchantment.

  • Dopamine, which is produced when we feel satisfied, resulting in feeling happy, excited and stimulated.

  • Oxytocin, which is linked to relationships and helps us to build bonds with other human beings.

boy in black t-shirt hugging girl in red and white polka dot dress

8. Meditating

Meditation is a form of spiritual relief that can be beneficial after a day full of emotional situations that can leave us feeling down. Meditating, by breathing in slowly and deeply before releasing that air just as gently, can help you gradually rid your mind of any negativity you may have accumulated that day. Just being alone with your thoughts for a few moments can help you to gain an awareness and acceptance of certain trying situations, leaving you with a more positive perspective. Meditating for at least 30 minutes has also been shown to decrease production of cortisol, a hormone produced during stressful times, and replacing it with endorphins which are responsible for feelings of relief. Endorphins also produce a happy and refreshed feeling, slowing the aging process and strengthening the body’s immune system while simultaneously adjusting brain waves to ensure a calm mind for a better night’s sleep.

woman in white crew neck t-shirt and black pants sitting on white table

In conclusion

There are so many things you can do to make yourself feel better and improve your enjoyment of life.

Happiness is within your control.  So even if your natural tendency is to be more down than up, you can make a choice that will help you experience a brighter, happier life.

For me finishing and sharing this post with you got me some Dopamine :)


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