Do or do not

Daily Quotes I live by

We all know that feeling of being stuck in between the do or do not, there is no try. When we are faced with a difficult task, our natural instinct is to try. The problem is that many people give up before they can get to the point of success.

The quote "Do or do not, there is no try." was said by Yoda in the movie Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. In this quote he was trying to tell Luke Skywalker that he needs to make a decision and commit himself to it fully. In other words, if you want something bad enough and you're willing to put in the work then you will succeed.

This quote by Yoda in the Star Wars series is often used to motivate people to take risks and not give up. It has become a popular motto for those who believe that you should never give up on your dreams.

It has been one of the most enlightening quotes for me and I hope for you too!

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